The Power of Four

In 2009, the Center for Bible Engagement conducted a survey called ‘Scientific Evidence for the Power of 4’, which polled 40,000 people, ranging in age from eight years to more than 80, across America and asked them what happened when they read the Bible. This is what the researchers found:

  1. When someone begins to read the Bible, day one or day two, there is not much difference.
  2. However, for those who engaged the Bible four (4) times or more a week, there was a profound difference in their lives. The researchers found that:  
  • Loneliness went down 30%.
  • Bitterness went down 43%.
  • Anger went down 32%.
  • Alcoholism dropped 57%.
  • Sex outside of marriage dropped 68%.
  • Feelings of stagnation dropped 60%.
  • Viewing pornography dropped 61%.
  • Sharing their faith jumped 200%, and
  • Discipling others jumped 230%.

3. It did not matter how the person read the Bible. Some read a big chunk each day; others read a chapter a day; others read a verse and spend some time meditating on it. Some did a Bible study with others. 

We invite you to take The POWER of FOUR Bible Reading Challenge beginning this week. Share your experience with us at or on our FaceBook page.