This Health and Wellness Seminar, by international speaker and author Ernestine “Teenie” Finley, will introduce you to the eight (8) secrets to wellness from her mega-selling book Secrets to Wellness:
- Water
- Exercise
- Love
- Lifestyle
- Nutrition
- Environment
- Sunshine
- Sleep
These secrets are neither complicated nor expensive. But they offer no magic bullet or healing elixir. The key to improved health is making positive lifestyle choices.
To Register:
Call (800)260-7171 or visit www.SecretsToWellness.Live.
Ernestine “Teenie” Finley, BS, BA holds degrees in Personal Ministries and Communications and is currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Original Medicine. Her passion is sharing the principles of a positive, healthy lifestyle. She has inspired thousands of health-conscious individuals to improve their quality of life, reduce their risk of disease, and increase their longevity through her books, TV appearances, and seminars. She personally follows the healthy lifestyle she advocates. Ernestine ran her first marathon at 70 years old and continues to exercise daily.